Monday, November 10, 2008

Today... whatever the date is

Today in English our teacher decided to try to implement a new system for the already dreaded LRJs (literary response journals). She is attempting to use Blogspot as a host for a new digital age of information. She says that with the computer becoming more of a tool then ever before in schools, that it would make sense to have us all switch to an internet formula.

So, my first step in going toward this direction was to make a general blog. I suppose I could use this to blog about other stuff the school too, and it seems like a good idea. We could then access out work from anywhere, work on it any place with an internet connection, and all around, have a more dependable work ethic, or so she thinks. I for one, would just start an LRJ, never finish it, then play mine sweeper or something else that takes time. Anyway, its a step in the next direction of schooling, and why not? So this is my contribution.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But computers are such unreliable sources to keep precious assignments on.
I could see every once in a while, but all of them?
What if the server crashes, and everyone loses their work, therefore providing nothing for the teacher to give us a grade for? And what about viruses? hackers?
I could go on and on, theres a complete list. LOL. [or is that kind of language not allowed? it IS internet chat, and this IS a blog.....]
Plain and simple, there is no alternative to the good ol' writing it on paper method.