Thursday, January 29, 2009

Computer Lab

Today instead of doing the presentations for English for... I'm not quite sure. We are suppose to make a new entry, edit others and look at our agregator. I don't get why, but we have to. For some odd reason (obvious sarcasm) blogging isn't something that I feel very compelled to do recently. My computer use has been cut down to gaming, typing papers and watching the entire series of "Dead Like Me". It just doesn't seem like a big necessity anymore. The idea of using technology in school was a novel concept, but in execution, it just seems easier to hand in paper copies. Sure its as fun, but there is less margin for error, human or mechanical. That, and whenever I use my computer for more then half a minute, I revert to looking for new games, playing old games, or looking at either facebook, funny pictures or sites based around other hobbies. The computers would be a good tool for homework if they were dedicated to such. If we had school laptops then maybe it would work better. Or even just something that worked. Macs are good and all, but they have such a different interface then what I call standard. Maybe in the future schools in general will switch over to a more stable format of Linux.

In recent news, we are now in the second semester and it isn't very fun. We have no breaks till spring break, and its cold. I suggest having a mass "Ditch school" day. If its to cold to walk outside in shorts for more then half a second, its too cold to be in school, let alone wait for the bus.


ashley :P said...

alright capitan rantsalot. :) you only cant focus on school things because you have an attention span of a 7 year old :P

Anonymous said...

i agree. we definately need more school breaks in the months of february and march. I think once in 8th grade we had Semicolon Day as an excuse to get a day off. haha. I like your ranting. . .I do it a lot too.

Leif said...

You basically said exactly what I said in my post... the blogging doesn't really work because it's more difficult to hand things in that way than it is to just hand it in on paper. It's a useless extra step, in most cases. If we were just using blogs and had constant access, that might change.